y Drew Francois | drewfrancois8@gmail.com
Coming off the success of the DavidT challenge, we have renewed energy and buzz in the training center, something I think we all need. Through this excitement a recurring question has been swirling around,
Q: What is All this talk about Myzone? How does it benefit my training?
A: There are a few points of view here. I want to focus on two.
1. The first is simple. It’s an accountability tool. Just as the reason we don’t need the top workout apparel or training shoes, or workout buddy, or even a gym membership to stay fit and healthy, we get them because they hold us accountable to our goals. If we can just get one or two workouts that we would not have participated in otherwise, then it’s worth it. It’s the spark that ignites the fire. Setting MEP (Myzone Effort Point) goals, with our Myzone heart monitor belt throughout the day, week, or month, helps us achieve our goals of moving, looking, and feeling better.
2. The second, is as a tool to help us reap the benefits of EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption, a physiological effect also known as oxygen debt). EPOC allows our body to consume more oxygen after exercise than it did prior to exercising. In this state, we expend more calories during our recovery from exercise than before it. Peter McCaul, MS, CSCS, provides a good analogy when describing EPOC. He likens it to the hood of your car after your engine has warmed it after a long road trip. Even 3 or 4 hours after it’s been parked (for you Tesla drivers, just imagine there’s an engine there) the engine is still warm, right? EPOC can be thought about in the same way for your body.
The more oxygen we consume, the more calories we burn. We have three main energy systems that work during physical activity. The goal of these systems is to produce ATP (energy for our cells) to keep us going.
- Phosphagen System – an anerobic (no oxygen required) system used for high intense activities lasting (10-30 seconds) e.g., jumping, sprinting, etc.
- Glycolytic System – an anaerobic system that uses carbohydrates to produce ATP for activates lasting 30 seconds to 3 minutes e.g., boxing rounds
- Oxidative System – an aerobic system that uses oxygen to produce ATP during exercise
The key here is to try and demand more oxygen in a workout than we are consuming (use our anaerobic energy system). Therefore, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), like a Team Training class, is advantageous. The higher the intensity of the workout, the more demand for oxygen there is, and the more of an “afterburn” effect will take place in the form of a higher metabolism. Again, more oxygen consumed = more calories burned.
Q: How does my Myzone belt help me benefit from the effects of EPOC?
A: Your Myzone belt shows the real-time intensity of your workout. The yellow and red zones are more intense than the gray, blue and green. By staying in the yellow and red zones longer, your “engine” will heat up more and increase the effect of EPOC on your body. The more intense your workout, the more benefits you will get from EPOC.
Q: How can I get started?
A: Set goals. A Myzone belt is an easy way to get started. Set weekly or monthly MEP goals (Myzone’s default monthly goal setting is 2,000 MEPs) and challenge yourself to stay true to that goal. If you find it challenging to stick with it, find an accountability buddy. The more people you tell your goal to, the more likely you are to achieve it. So, Grab your Myzone belt! And Let’s Get to Work!